Act now!
Effective help does not cost the world. There are various ways to collaborate - whether with donations, memberships and sponsorship or volunteer work.
You have several options to support act!orissa and thus the orphans.
1. Donation
You can help the association with a one-time or recurring donation. Every cent flows directly into the orphanage without any deduction. The easiest way to set this up is directly here by online donation.
Charitable status
Since we are a non-profit association donations can be offset against tax!
What happens to the donations?
With about 900€ a month we finance food, the most necessary hygiene items, utensils and medicines for the approximately 50 girls. In addition, salaries are paid to employees of the orphanage. Additional donations are being invested in sustainability projects, which we report about on this website. If you have specific questions, you can of course contact us personally at any time.
Bank details
Act!orissa e.V.
Deutsche Bank 24 Berlin
Account number: 3 677 200
Bank code: 100 700 24
IBAN: DE62 1007 0024 0367 7200 00
2. Occasion donation
This is the most effective way to help and has already enabled us several times in the past to finance important projects. Become a fundraiser for small donations to be given instead of gifts at your event. Such small contributions of individuals quickly add up to a considerable sum.
3. Membership
Association members help with a regular contribution. Become a member now
4. Collaboration
The association lives from voluntary work. If you are up for participating, meeting nice people and would also like to take an in-depth look at a large and fascinating country like India, you are welcome to join us. Expertise in development cooperation or public relations are welcome, but not essential. If you want to support us or become actively involved in this exciting project, please contact us directly! We're happy to hear from you.